Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 12, 2009 - no other place like it on earth... the Black River Lodge

... or at least no place similar to which Colin and I have ventured together!

Our dear friend Amy invited us to join her extended family and friends to visit a place of refuge from the constant buzz and stress of life... the Black River Lodge, about 2 1/2 hr SW of St. Louis. Amy flew in from Seattle, her parents from Memphis and other family/friends from surrounding states. This is a place where you are a newby if you have been vacationing at the Lodge for 20 years. It's just fabulous in all of it's unchanged traditions... the zombie walk to the dinner hall when the bell rings, the gatherings on the pickleball court every evening for snacks and group story/music time, the daily float in the river, lounge time in the morning and 'playground', the daily menu that anyone walking by can quote you (although I heard they did change Monday from pork chop night to lasagna about 10 years ago and that is still news). It was such a great experience for both Colin and I and although we were only able to stay for a few days this year, I think we may try to work our way into an honorary "Sellers" family status by next year so that we can stay the week.. and maybe showcase Colin in the Friday night talent show :)
Thanks Amy, Nancy and Jim for welcoming us as part of your family for this special part of your family traditions!
Amy became a 'grown-up' this year... reserving her own cabin! / Colin's hangout at the lodge, the playground!
So many throwbacks... remember tetherball?
And the morning shuffleboard tourney is always a hit (Amy and I lost in round 1 :) so we played with Colin later that day
Colin was quite the photographer on this trip- here's one taken by him of Amy and I... and another :)
We didn't end up needed the rainy day rec room but still checked it out for a little air hockey and video game action! / Make shift smores (we missed the bonfire night on Thursday) in the Sellers toaster oven that Colin and Nancy made for everyone!

Tadpole catching fun before dinner in the river, they were HUGE and I think I definitely won the mom award for touching the slimy little guys- then Colin let them all swim away of course!
Colin's new friends
Let's just say that it's pretty obvious that Amy and Colin had a BLAST together
The river nearing sunset

** MORE RIVER PICS TO COME (I need to get them from Amy to post as she has a fab waterproof camera that documented all of our river floating adventures!!) ***
Here's a link to her Picasa album until I get them posted!

Guitar jam session with Colin and Brian, Amy's cousin
Colin had a special treat of getting some guitar lessons from Amy's cousin Brian the morning we were heading out. Brian is an amazing guitar player and Colin like watching him and learned how to hold his guitar and strum a bit.

And to complete our Black River Lodge fun, a little silly string war action!!!

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