Sunday, August 02, 2009

July 19, 2009 - folk house concert hosting fun

I had the fabulous opportunity to help out my dear friend Susan by opening up our home to host a house concert, part of a series that she started over 7 years ago in her own living room. It was an honor to do so and on short notice of location change, we had a great audience and everyone that came pitched in, bringing folding chairs and appetizers to share with everyone. It was a touching night. Colin loved the musicians and wanted the 'singers' to stay at our house forever I think (except that he fell asleep in my lap towards the end of the performance so he didn't have to part with them that night and we have just been listening to the songs ever since!)

The most amazing part of the night being the amazing and talented performers of course-- Anne Heaton with a surprise guest, Frank Marotta Jr. and Meg Hutchinson to open.

Anne was one of 4 amazing musicians I saw for the first time with Susan so many years ago in a collaboration called 'Live from New York' including Edie Carey, Teddy Goldstein and Andrew Kerr and I have seen her several times since and very much enjoy her music, as well as Frank and Meg's performances!

Frank Marotta Jr and Anne Heaton
Meg Hutchinson / Anne Heaton (with Colin mesmerized from the front row!)
Anne and Frank in amazing performances
Colin had a few favorite songs that Anne played (the 'Underdog' you-tube video below is his fav) and he met a new friend in Eloise, with her Mom Ingrid, another folk loving family :)

Here's some fun music videos of performances of Anne, Frank and Meg (and some other amazing singer-songwriters to check out!!) Just like when they performed in my living room :)
Colin is a big fan and you should become one too!

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